عدد المقالات هذا العام
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آخر الأخبار
رجل أسترالي يعثر على أكثر من 100 ثعبان سام في حديقة منزله (فيديو)
(وكالات) تفاجأ رجل أسترالي يعيش في العاصمة سيدني بالعثور على أكثر من 100 ثعبان أسود سام ذات بطن أحمر تخرج من تربة حديقته الخلفية، في
مصراوي الخميس، 20 فبراير 2025
Australian police said on Sunday they had shot dead a
Australian police said on Sunday they had shot dead a boy after he stabbed a man in Western Australia's capital Perth, authorities said indicated terrorism.
The Jerusalem Post الأحد، 5 مايو 2024
The Hamas al-Aqsa Flood invasion from its independent entity of
The Hamas al-Aqsa Flood invasion from its independent entity of the Gaza Strip that included Palestinian Gazans of all ages and gender, focused on massacring,
The Jerusalem Post الخميس، 25 إبريل 2024
An Australian counter terrorism team arrested seven teenagers on Wednesday
An Australian counter terrorism team arrested seven teenagers on Wednesday linked to a boy charged with a religiously-motivated terror attack on a and questioned another
The Jerusalem Post الأربعاء، 24 إبريل 2024
Although it happened in the winter of 1974, I can
Although it happened in the winter of 1974, I can still remember getting that phone call from my friend Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald as if it
The Jerusalem Post الجمعة، 19 إبريل 2024
A 16-year-old boy has been charged with a terrorism offence
A 16-year-old boy has been charged with a terrorism offence for allegedly stabbing an Assyrian church bishop in Sydney during a church service, Australian police
The Jerusalem Post الجمعة، 19 إبريل 2024
At least four people were wounded, including a bishop with
At least four people were wounded, including a bishop with a global online following, in a knife attack during a service at a church in
The Jerusalem Post الاثنين، 15 إبريل 2024
4 people, including a preacher, were stabbed in a church
4 people, including a preacher, were stabbed in a church in western Sydney on Monday evening local time. Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, the preacher at
I24News English الاثنين، 15 إبريل 2024
A man armed with a knife stabbed multiple people on
A man armed with a knife stabbed multiple people on Saturday at the Westfield in Bondi Junction shopping center . The BBC, citing local media,
The Jerusalem Post السبت، 13 إبريل 2024
أصيب ما لا يقل عن 50 شخصا، اليوم الإثنين، بسبب
أصيب ما لا يقل عن 50 شخصا، اليوم الإثنين، بسبب ما وصفه مسئولون بـ"حركة قوية" على متن طائرة تشيلية، كانت متجهة من سيدني الأسترالية إلى
الشروق الاثنين، 11 مارس 2024
Australia is a country that prides itself as a beacon
Australia is a country that prides itself as a beacon of diversity and multiculturalism. After World War II, it welcomed many Holocaust survivors. It was
The Jerusalem Post الخميس، 22 فبراير 2024
The 30-day mourning period for Rabbi Raymond Apple, who passed
The 30-day mourning period for Rabbi Raymond Apple, who passed away on Friday night, , comes to an end on the evening of Sunday, February
The Jerusalem Post الأحد، 18 فبراير 2024
الكيانات ذات الصلة
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # | |
1 | World War II | 1 |
1 | World War I | 2 |
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # | |
2 | Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel | 1 |
2 | Mar Mari Emmanuel | 2 |
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # | |
6 | Australia | 1 |
5 | New South Wales | 2 |
3 | Israel | 3 |
3 | Wakeley | 4 |
2 | London | 5 |
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # | |
1 | Jerusalem Post | 1 |
1 | Jerusalem Report | 2 |
1 | federal government | 3 |