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آخر الأخبار
Yoni Ben-Menachem is a journalist who previously served as CEO
Yoni Ben-Menachem is a journalist who previously served as CEO of the Israel Broadcasting Authority and as director of the Voice of Israel broadcast network.
The Jerusalem Post الخميس، 2 مايو 2024
Slim and elegant with gorgeous gray-blue eyes, Einat Wilf could
Slim and elegant with gorgeous gray-blue eyes, Einat Wilf could easily have been a model. Or, with her background as an intelligence officer in the
The Jerusalem Post الجمعة، 26 إبريل 2024
I bet the has never held a gun. Whether I
I bet the has never held a gun. Whether I am right or wrong is irrelevant. What is entirely relevant is that Dr. Mohammad Mustafa
The Jerusalem Post الخميس، 4 إبريل 2024
Following the , and in fact, even before it, there
Following the , and in fact, even before it, there have been repeated claims condemning Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the fact that, during his
The Jerusalem Post الثلاثاء، 19 مارس 2024
The recent Bir Zeit University survey of the Palestinians of
The recent Bir Zeit University survey of the Palestinians of Gaza and Judea and Samaria should be a wake-up call for Israel and its allies.
The Jerusalem Post الاثنين، 18 مارس 2024
South Africa initiated a legal proceeding against Israel at the
South Africa initiated a legal proceeding against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague on December 29, 2023, claiming that Israel
The Jerusalem Post الجمعة، 9 فبراير 2024
الكيانات ذات الصلة
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # | |
1 | Oslo Accords | 1 |
1 | Second Intifada | 2 |
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # | |
2 | Mahmoud Abbas | 1 |
1 | Benjamin Netanyahu | 2 |
1 | Shimon Peres | 3 |
1 | Mohammad Mustafa | 4 |
1 | Ehud Barak | 5 |
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # | |
4 | Israel | 1 |
3 | Gaza | 2 |
3 | Gaza Strip | 3 |
2 | Middle East | 4 |
2 | West Bank | 5 |
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # | |
1 | Palestine Liberation Organization PLO | 1 |
1 | International Court of Justice ICJ | 2 |
1 | Shin Bet | 3 |
1 | Knesset Israeli parliament | 4 |
1 | Palestinian Authority PA | 5 |