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آخر الأخبار
following the termination of 28 workers who had occupied company
following the termination of 28 workers who had occupied company offices on April 16 to protest contracts with the Israeli government, a spokesperson said on
The Jerusalem Post الاثنين، 29 إبريل 2024
Google fired 28 employees on Thursday who had on Tuesday
Google fired 28 employees on Thursday who had on Tuesday in protest of contracts with the Israeli government, a Google spokesperson said. The protesters were
The Jerusalem Post الخميس، 18 إبريل 2024
Anti-Israel activists protesting Google contracts with the Israeli government by
Anti-Israel activists protesting Google contracts with the Israeli government by occupying the technology giant's office in New York City and Sunnyvale for several hours on
The Jerusalem Post الأربعاء، 17 إبريل 2024
الكيانات ذات الصلة
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # | |
2 | Project Nimbus | 1 |
2 | No Tech For Apartheid | 2 |
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # | |
1 | Barak Regev | 1 |
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # | |
3 | Israel | 1 |
3 | New York City Chelsea | 2 |
2 | Seattle | 3 |
1 | Gaza | 4 |
1 | New York City | 5 |
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # | |
2 | Jewish Voice for Peace | 1 |
2 | Google Cloud | 2 |
1 | No Tech For Apartheid | 3 |
أعلى المصادر التي تكتب عن Sunnyvale