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آخر الأخبار
Pakistan is set to restart its initiative to deport refugees
Pakistan is set to restart its initiative to deport refugees amid escalating tensions between the two neighboring countries. Speaking on condition of anonymity, an Islamabad-based
The Jerusalem Post الأحد، 24 مارس 2024
Militants attacked a military post in near Afghanistan on Saturday
Militants attacked a military post in near Afghanistan on Saturday morning using a vehicle laden with explosives, killing five security force members, Pakistan's military said.
The Jerusalem Post السبت، 16 مارس 2024
Thirty-one US congresspeople have calling on President Joe Biden and
Thirty-one US congresspeople have calling on President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to delay recognition of the Pakistani government until allegations of
The Jerusalem Post الجمعة، 1 مارس 2024
الكيانات ذات الصلة
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # |
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # | |
1 | Joe Biden | 1 |
1 | Antony Blinken | 2 |
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # | |
3 | Pakistan | 1 |
2 | Afghanistan | 2 |
2 | Islamabad | 3 |
2 | Pakistans | 4 |
1 | United States | 5 |
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # | |
1 | Media Line | 1 |
أعلى المصادر التي تكتب عن Islamabad Pakistan