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آخر الأخبار
Larry Hebert stood in front of the holding a rectangular
Larry Hebert stood in front of the holding a rectangular sign that read, “Active-duty airman refuses to eat while Gaza starves.” Next to the wording
The Jerusalem Post الأحد، 28 إبريل 2024
In recent years, we often encounter various attempts by people
In recent years, we often encounter various attempts by people adversely affected by historical tragedies, or intent on campaigning for ostensibly “humanitarian” causes, to claim
The Jerusalem Post الأربعاء، 17 إبريل 2024
The West Bank city of Jericho announced on Facebook on
The West Bank city of Jericho announced on Facebook on Monday that they had named a street after Aaron Bushnell, the US Air Force serviceman
The Jerusalem Post الثلاثاء، 12 مارس 2024
The events of the past week have made one thing
The events of the past week have made one thing abundantly clear. This has no idea what terrorism is. Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old US airman,
The Jerusalem Post السبت، 2 مارس 2024
The American radical left's glorification of the self-immolation of in
The American radical left's glorification of the self-immolation of in front of the Israeli Washington DC embassy on Sunday is another step towards widespread acts
The Jerusalem Post الثلاثاء، 27 فبراير 2024
Iranian state media has sought to exploit the death of
Iranian state media has sought to exploit the death of Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old member of the who set himself on fire outside the Israeli
The Jerusalem Post الثلاثاء، 27 فبراير 2024
Palestinian activist Mohammed El-Kurd likened hijacking planes and other extreme
Palestinian activist Mohammed El-Kurd likened hijacking planes and other extreme acts of violence to more peaceful forms of protest, and complained that none of them
The Jerusalem Post الثلاثاء، 27 فبراير 2024
أثار خبر وفاة العسكرى في سلاح الجو الأمريكى، آرون بوشنيل
أثار خبر وفاة العسكرى في سلاح الجو الأمريكى، آرون بوشنيل (25 عاما)، التساؤلات عن من هو الرجل الذي أضرم النيران في نفسه أمام السفارة الإسرائيلية
المصري اليوم الاثنين، 26 فبراير 2024
الكيانات ذات الصلة
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # | |
1 | النار في نفسه | 1 |
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # | |
1 | Joe Biden | 1 |
1 | Air Force | 2 |
1 | آرون بوشنيل | 4 |
1 | ReutersAdam Gray | 5 |
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # | |
5 | Gaza | 1 |
5 | Washington DC | 2 |
4 | Israel | 3 |
4 | Palestine | 4 |
4 | embassy | 5 |
عدد الأخبار المشتركة | # | |
2 | US Air Force | 1 |
1 | القوات الجوية الأمريكية | 2 |
1 | Media Line | 3 |
1 | Air Force | 4 |
1 | Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine | 5 |